Today I'd like to share a colored pencil step-by-step showing a green pear. In seven steps I'll show you how to draw this fruit using Koh-I-Noor Progresso pencils, but if you don't have them, use pencils you have - just compare the colors and choose similar :)
Progresso colors used:
1 Chrome Yellow
3 Titanium White
4 Meadow Green
5 Dark Green
11 Natural Siena
12 Ivory Black
13 Dark Yellow
19 Yellowish Green
21 Light Ochre
23 Dark Brown
24 Platine Grey
Canson Mi-Teintes, size approx. A5
(I don't remember the exact color name, but generally this paper series is great, so you can choose a similar grey tone, or other brand's sheet)
Reference photo:
1. The outlines - I did them with Dark Green and Dark Brown.
Look at the attached scan and draw a rounded shape of a pear. Don't press the lead too hard to the surface so that you can easily erase eventual mistakes.
2. Marking dark shades and spots on the fruit - with Dark Brown, Ivory Black and Natural Siena.
You can press the lead to the paper in places like the bottom of the pear which will be darker.
3. Adding Dark Green - in this step let's mark our shadows.
Create a layer that is darker on the right side and the bottom of the fruit, add some delicate layer on the right which will be much lighter.
4. Take Meadow Green and apply a new layer over the whole fruit as shown below.
5. Do the same as in step before but this time using Yellowish Green and Dark Yellow.
6. Now it's time to add a new layer with Chrome Yellow.
Take Dark Brown and Ivory Black pencils and darken the shades and the spots. You can add some white as a blender on a fragment where the fruit is the most lighted.
7. The last step - creating a delicate shadow on the right and adding some white on the background.
The pear drawing is ready 😉🍐
* I hope you learned something from this small tutorial. If you have questions - ask in the comments!
* It is forbidden to copy this material (and images included in it) without the author's permission.